Your values compass

Navigate life with your values

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Get clear on your version of a life well lived

Sure, you've got values. But, can you name them? How do you define them? Values help us know who we are and what we really want.

It took 8 minutes to realize that those are the things I care about. What's wild is that I didn’t do this exercise until I was 36. In 36 years, I never took 8 minutes to be more deliberate about my pursuit of... life itself.


It took 8 minutes to realize that those are the things I care about. What's wild is that I didn’t do this exercise until I was 36. In 36 years, I never took 8 minutes to be more deliberate about my pursuit of... life itself.


Connect to your why

Values represent our deepest drivers - what we individually really care about below the surface. Embracing them and actioning them is proven to boost wellbeing and performance. How might you feel, and what can you achieve when you understand your deepest drivers?

It sounds a bit woo-woo, but I've developed little values mantras to help me do hard things. I use them before a big work presentation, or a hard conversation, or even for the final sprint on the rower at the gym. It works.


It sounds a bit woo-woo, but I've developed little values mantras to help me do hard things. I use them before a big work presentation, or a hard conversation, or even for the final sprint on the rower at the gym. It works.


Understand how you act under threat

How do you react to criticism? Or when someone cuts you off in traffic? What's the pattern? Knowing the patterns of threat based values helps us to intentionally inaction them.

I never found endless scrolling actually relaxing, and now I know why. Learning that Avoidance is one of my threat based values, opened my eyes to a whole bunch of things I was doing without realising it. I use TBV to make sense of others behaviours too.


I never found endless scrolling actually relaxing, and now I know why. Learning that Avoidance is one of my threat based values, opened my eyes to a whole bunch of things I was doing without realising it. I use TBV to make sense of others behaviours too.


Make decisions for the right reasons

Are your choices taking you towards your values and what you really want in life? Values based decision making unlocks clarity and drive to action.

I used to make big decisions by asking a bunch of people what I should do. Its like I was a running a survey for how to live my life. I’ve found understanding my motivations for a decision helps me stay committed to it.


I used to make big decisions by asking a bunch of people what I should do. Its like I was a running a survey for how to live my life. I’ve found understanding my motivations for a decision helps me stay committed to it.


Understand what drives the people you care about

Do you know what actually matters most to the people closest to you? You can deeply understand the people in your life by seeing them through their values.

It’s crazy that I have slept next to the same person for the last 12 years and never really knew, or asked- ‘what do you value? deep down what is most important to you?’


It’s crazy that I have slept next to the same person for the last 12 years and never really knew, or asked- ‘what do you value? deep down what is most important to you?’


Personal Plan

What's included

Values Discovery

Get clear on what matters most.

Threat Based Values

Intentionally inaction your reactions.

Values Insight Reports

Understand your deepest drivers.

Decision Making

Make decisions for the right reasons.


Understand those you care about.

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Why values?
What is a values Compass?
What is the science behind CompassAI?
What has AI got to do with it?
Is this the same as personality tests?
Can I expense this?
What is your position on privacy and security?
I’ve got more questions. How do I get in contact?

Greta Bradman

Compass AI Founder & CEO

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to lose touch with what matters most—our core values.
We've all experienced that nagging feeling that something is off, even when we're seemingly headed in the right direction.

As a psychologist, I've spent years working with clients on identifying and embracing their values, witnessing the profound impact this process has on their lives.

I wanted to bring what works in the clinic to more people, and that's why I founded CompassAI. A science-backed approach to values, we help you uncover your values, embrace them, and make decisions that resonate with your authentic self.

By guiding individuals like you to live in alignment with their values, we've witnessed remarkable transformations—increased confidence, better relationships, and a greater sense of purpose.
Join thousands of others who are prioritising their values in life.